
Da Ulkriderz is da best!!!

So yea, I spontaneously decided to enter The Fang, Sweden's largest GW painting competition according to the blurb. I don't know if it was really the largest, but there were a lot of people there, some of which were dressed up as night goblins.

My competition nerves showed themselves, I was really stressed and nervous the entire time, and the heat didn't make things better. Fortunately I had brought along lots of friends to support me, but that brought on another problem - that of socialising at the same time with three categories of friends!

How'd the competition go? I didn't even place.

I entered my warboss, Fingsnik, in the lone model category, and the Nobz mob in the squad category. Neither of them had much work done on their bases, and I'm sure that counted against me. That's something I'll do better next year.

Hopefully next year I will have finished Da Fing and can enter it into the diorama category.

Everything is better with tentacles!

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