
Metal models

Bought two metal models, a Painboy and a Big Mek with a Kustom Power Field (who'll be getting a skorcha too). I can tell you I really dislike the finish on the metal models. Leftover material all over, they're very crude looking in general, and some parts need a lot of work.

The neck on one of the models was just a rough square block that had to be filed into a neck. Did I mention it had very sharp edges? Blood for the blood god. I'll tell you, the finish on the plastic models that came with the Assault on Black Reach set were pretty damn shoddy compared to the ones you buy separately, but these models? They make the Black Reach ones look good.

It gets more amusing when you see that they can get it right. On the tabs to be slotted into the bases they had cast copyright notices in raised letter, perfectly detailed and legible despite the smallness. Of course, the copyright notices meant the tabs were too thick to fit in the slots, so I had to spend a bit of time and energy on defacing them.

There's a certain illicit pleasure in filing off serial numbers...

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