
White teef!

A bit of white on the teeth made a world of a difference on the orks. They've got faces now! Sorta. Some of them got way too much white on the teeth, and some were hard to paint because I couldn't make out the teeth under the black undercoat (it doesn't exactly help you find contours) so I'll have to redo some of them. But still, smashing result! With little beady red eyes they'll be almost ready for battle.

I'll need to add a little red to the weapons to make 'em look used, and then fix up some details.

Still can't figure out what to do for straps and pouches... Oh, well.


Metal models

Bought two metal models, a Painboy and a Big Mek with a Kustom Power Field (who'll be getting a skorcha too). I can tell you I really dislike the finish on the metal models. Leftover material all over, they're very crude looking in general, and some parts need a lot of work.

The neck on one of the models was just a rough square block that had to be filed into a neck. Did I mention it had very sharp edges? Blood for the blood god. I'll tell you, the finish on the plastic models that came with the Assault on Black Reach set were pretty damn shoddy compared to the ones you buy separately, but these models? They make the Black Reach ones look good.

It gets more amusing when you see that they can get it right. On the tabs to be slotted into the bases they had cast copyright notices in raised letter, perfectly detailed and legible despite the smallness. Of course, the copyright notices meant the tabs were too thick to fit in the slots, so I had to spend a bit of time and energy on defacing them.

There's a certain illicit pleasure in filing off serial numbers...


The 500/500 army

I was thinking about putting together my first 1000 points in such a way that they can be split up into two complete 500 point armies consisting of an HQ and two Troop choices.

I thought I'd make the two halves distinctly themed according to their respective HQ choice. That is, I'll have one half be the Warboss with his Nob retinue as one Troop choice, and a meat screen of Boyz as the other Troop choice.

For the other half, a Big Mek with accompanying burny Deff Dread, and a mob of Boyz as meat screen/fire support.

I'll make the second boyz mob with shootas since I already have 30+ boys with sluggas and choppas. That'll give me a bit of variation and let me see which boys do better.

Now I just need to put together the actual lists. I have the models for the Warboss half, I'm just not sure how to put it together.

The Warboss has a Power Klaw and a Bosspole, putting him at 90 points. Not much room for variation there...

As for the Nobs, there's plenty room. I have five identical ones, they're plain 21 point vanilla Nobs with stikkbombs. Additionally I have one Nob with a Powerklaw and a Bosspole (51 p), one Nob with a Huge Choppa (26 p). I want a Nob with a Waaagh banner to make them hit a little better (36 p) and I also want a Painboy (51 p) to make them a bit tougher. The Painboy will come when I get around to buying one, and the Waaagh banner when I figure out how to make one...

The boyz are largely complete. They have a Nob with a Powerklaw and a Bosspole (40 p) and the rest of them are just plain boyz. There are also two heavy shootas and one rokkit launcha, although these heavy weapons may of course be redistributed.

We're looking at a lot more than 500 points here, so if I want to make this 500/500 split I'm going to have to make budget cuts. Maybe remove some of the vanilla Nobs and some of the boyz?



Da boyz are assaultin an Eldar avatar! Get dat panzee! Waaagh! De orks! Dakkadakkadakka!